Thursday 16 May 2013

There were tears... but everything happens for a reason!

I have no idea where to start with this as I have not been able to write about my orientation or the past weeks so far but I will try. As I have mentioned before, I never knew where I would be working in the orphanage as it would depend on where we are needed. But we did get to put our preference and mine was Pokhara. 

Well in my group here at orientation there are 20 of us from all over the world and the majority working at orphanages, although one doctor and one teacher. Now the majority of volunteers put their preference as Pokhara. Mix this with the Nepalese people's love of pleasing people and you will start to understand my dilemma today.

Over the past days during orientation (which I will have to talk about in another blog when I have time!) they have been talking to us about the orphanages and trying to match us up with the right place. 

Today we found out our placements (although we were told a few details yesterday) and officially given the slip with all the details. So mine was in Pokhara at an orphanage with 9 children and 3 volunteers in total. Compare this to another orphanage there with 60 children and 4 volunteers. Yes, you are probably thinking like me errr.... too many volunteers? So I turned to the coordinator and asked why there would be three volunteers for 9 children, surely one would do? His face gave me my answer, and he explained that everyone in the group wanted to go to Pohkara. I politely declined to working in this orphanage and explained that I wanted to work where I was needed. 

And so he asked,"Would you teach?" 

Now this is the reason for the tears... for the past 6 months I have known I would go to Nepal and work at an orphanage. But I have since realised it really doesn't matter whether I am teaching or working in an orphanage. I will still be working with children and getting to know the Nepali culture.

As it turns out in Chitwan they are very much in need of teachers at the moment. They were very upset when they heard that from our group there were only 2 teachers going to Chitwan. Chitwan is very, very hot at this time of year as it is in the lowlands. And the village that requires the teachers is an hour by bus from the city of Chitwan. The name of the village is
Padhampokhar When it comes to facilities in the village, they are very limited (I have been to the shop and stocked up on chocolate!). Just now one of the coordinators has just come to tell me I will be on a bus at 6:30am tomorrow rather than leave on Saturday. I start teaching on Sunday. He also asked me to teach the teachers as much as possible too as it will make a world of difference to the school.

Oh, and he also said to me that because it is so hot at this time of year, the rhinos, snakes, etc shouldn't come into the village. He said it is usually just in the winter that the animals wander from the jungle...... haha

And it has been lovely because I have had different people from Hope and Home come to me and thank me for going to Chitwan. They have also said to please tell them if the heat gets too much, that even a week there will be incredible help so only do what I can handle. Errr.... challenge accepted!

So now I am getting excited....

 Oh and apparently the children in the school range from 3 years old to 16 years old. The age I teach we are not sure yet. And I will need to bike for half an hour to get to the school initially, but this could change during my placement. And I think that is everything I know so far. 

I have been at an incredible low today, feeling like I was letting everyone down by not working at an orphanage but now I see how silly that was. Everything happens for a reason, and today has definitely shown me that I can be flexible...

Oh and one other thing... a lot of people probably know this by now, but I have been planning that next year I will do a Diploma in Teaching and start a career as a primary school teacher. I brought a book with me to read on my down time at the orphanage with the title: The Primary School Teacher's Guide to Teaching Grammar & Punctuation. 

Funny eh?

Well I have just finished a chunky white chocolate Kit Kat and another storm has begun (the path outside this guesthouse has become a river hehe) so maybe it is time I go pack my bag and start to prepare for the 8 hour bus ride tomorrow. 

I really want to write about the last few days which have been incredible including the scariest bus ride of my life (think cliffs and slippery mud), the most beautiful remote village and its welcoming people, & the food mmmm....

But this keyboard is horrible and I have no time. I am keeping a diary so I will do highlights on this past week and also the incredible Everest Base Camp trek another time.

Now for my next adventure.....

Oh, and if anyone has tips or anything that you would like to contribute to my month of teaching please comment below or message me... any ideas etc are appreciated!!!!



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