Wednesday 26 December 2012

First 2 Weeks of Training

Today is Boxing Day and I have a 50 minute run... no rest for the wicked! I have been training for the marathon for 2 weeks and with 13 weeks to go before the marathon, I have huge respect for anyone who has completed a marathon and the intense training that is involved! I also think they are all crazy, myself included hehe ;) My runs the past fortnight have been between 20 – 45 minutes. As a fan of running my usual runs were always around 20 minutes long – no further. Am I truly going to run for hours in 13 wee weeks?!

I do have my cousin Tayla who has been running with me so I must say that has helped with the transition from casual runner to 'do I do anything other than run?' We have mixed running with eating homemade baking but not sure if that is the best running strategy!!

I am actually quite lucky because my brother-in-law Keegan happens to be an Ironman Triathlete who also coaches amateurs like me from all over the world. Some have not only reached their goals but are winning big events. So really I have the best secret weapon to kicking this Marathons butt!

Keegan is also going to ensure I am ready for my trek to Everest Base Camp which is something quite different to a marathon. You see, you are trekking 6-7 hours a day at altitude (at Base Camp it is 50% less oxygen). Altitude being the key word there! Altitude sickness is very common and if you get altitude sickness the only cure is to descend.. quickly. Keegan has a device (I haven’t yet seen/used it) that I will be able to train with that will give me the same oxygen as at any altitude. I am very intrigued to see how that training will be!

Keegan has a blog too... I watched him do the Challenge Copenhagen Ironman in Denmark last year where he came 4th and was awestruck by the triathletes – if they can be superhuman and finish that race then surely I can run a marathon, trek to Everest Base Camp, and volunteer a month in Nepal?!?! 

Watch this space.... 

'Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine' Anthony J. D'Angelo 

Sunday 23 December 2012

My Wee Adventure Begins Now

So… I have found myself back in New Zealand after many years in the UK. I needed to figure out how my story continued and found myself wanting to accomplish something. That something being trekking to Everest Base Camp – a dream I have had for a very long time but never truly believed I would (or could) get there.

Following my trek I will volunteer at an orphanage in Nepal for a month. During my stay I will live with a local Nepali family and be completely immersed in the Nepal way of life. I must say I find this part of my trip the most intimidating. Trekking to Everest Base Camp will be putting myself completely out of my comfort zone (I’m not much of a camper!); However, volunteering at the orphanage is completely foreign to me and I have no idea what to expect or what my reaction will be.

One more thing… Prior to jumping on a flight headed for Nepal, I will train to run in the Dual Marathon (on Rangitoto Island) – a more extreme form of ‘getting fit’ before the big trek but another goal on my ‘to do list’.
My trip is not for many months (I am currently in the proess of booking!) but my wee adventure has already begun because I started training for my marathon last week eekkk….